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Artist Statement

The past year and a half has been incredibly difficult, a statement I’m sure many can relate to. There was a long period of time that I lost touch with my artistic side. I had ceased being creative. I had stopped producing art, something I love to do. With it I lost my sense of self. For a long time I couldn’t create because I no longer felt like myself. However, over the past few months I have become more in touch with my identity and have fallen back in love with my artistic side. There’s a lot of frustration and loneliness that comes with being out of touch with the creative you. It just doesn’t feel right - like there's a piece missing. 
Art is an emotional outlet for me, an effective way in which to express feelings when words don’t feel right. In the piece I have created I hope to have expressed such sentiments. To me, the colourful and brighter aspect of the painting symbolizes hope and creativity. “Hope” is just out of reach and unable to be grasped by the figures who are too caught up in their emotions to notice what’s going on around them. Closer to the figures, the colours are darker and more muted; they aren't as strong. The creativity is still there, just lost. 

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